Coming into the Spirit Realm

Coming into the Spirit Realm Joyce and I are hearing of unusual things, out of the ordinary things, happening all around the world, today. In the “Church of our Tradition,” before we received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we chose not to believe anything that couldn’t be proven. One time we prayed and a…

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A Banner Appears

A Banner Appears

It’s always so exciting to see the pictures that people send us after the Mountain Top Encounters. As the worship becomes more and more intense in the supernatural, things do take place. Sometimes we hear the angels singing, or the sound of trumpets, or other special sound effects “just happen.” This is the picture that…

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Heavenly Globes

Pastor Garitson was camping with a small group of Christians above Jerome, Arizona, and in the evening they gathered to spend time worshiping God. One of the group took this picture. Immediately we asked, what are the round objects we see in the sky? We have learned these are referred to as orbs, but that…

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Intensified Glory

Intensified Glory

Mountain Top Encounter “Intensified Glory” God spoke those words to me in preparation for the Mountain Top Encounter and He spoke them to Joshua Mills as he drove into the parking lot of the hotel. What is intensified glory? It’s coming into the manifested presence of God. And how awesome if was during the past Mountain…

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Campsite Fire Appears

Fire Appears

A Mysterious Fire Appears Pastor Carl and a group of Christians were camping above Jerome, Arizona, and they discovered that none of them had been able to sleep well the night before. They prayed a Prayer of Fire around them for protection, and this is what happened! These pictures were taken just a few minutes…

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Shalom Dr Gill

I am pastor Kwame from Ghana. I planted a congregation in Israel, Tel Aviv which still uses your material … I would like to express thanks for the wonderful lessons you share. I have been using your ISOM lectures for many years now and they continue to have a powerful effect on peoples’ lives. I…

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Pamela from Louisiana

Recap of a conversation with Jolynda, our personal assistant… Her name is Pamela and she and her husband are facilitating ISOM and are also students in Hammond, LA. She called and was so excited about your teaching both in ISOM and she is also going through New Creation Image on the website on her own. …

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Step Into Destiny

Step Into Your Destiny

Those who came to the Mountain Top Encounter had an awesome time as we came into the presence of God in every session. The first night, Joyce saw a pulsating power field that appeared like gold and fire flowing all the way from Big Bear Lake, California, to Lima, Peru, as Joshua took part by…

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Reveals God’s Will

We believe that a continued prayer life of “praying in the Spirit” is the key to receiving a revelation of God’s perfect will and knowledge in the situations of life. In Romans 8:26, 27, Paul wrote, Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as…

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Opens Our Spirits to Receive Revelation Knowledge

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are told to pray without ceasing. Before we received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in our new heavenly language, we often wondered how we could possibly obey this command. Doesn’t God expect us to sleep sometime? Now, as we go about the normal cares of life,…

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Builds Up Our Faith

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20) Joyce and I can testify how these inspired words of Jude have become a reality in our lives. We all need to be built up daily in our faith to come into the area of the supernatural…

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Praying in the Spirit

During a time of testing, God said, “You need to pray more in the Spirit.”We had been praying in the Spirit but God said, “Do it more and do it together.” Why is this important? Because things are going on in the world, our nations, our towns, among our friends, even in our families, that…

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