
There seemed to be two themes in the Mountain Top Encounter. God was exhorting us to step into our destiny!  He also spoke about Kingdom Advancing Glory but this glory seemed to be more of His power. King David wrote about destiny, You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny…

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Transfer of Wealth

As we are entering the “new thing” of this new time and season, we will experience a great transfer of wealth into the hands of the righteous for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Isaiah, chapter 60 speaks of this coming glory and with it “the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.”…

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God’s Prophetic Word

Over and over during the Mountain Top Encounter, the Lord said, “Now is the time to step into your divine destiny!” Have those dreams and visions that God has placed in your heart been fulfilled? Have they become a reality in your life? God is saying “Now!” Recently, God began to speak to us, “You…

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Being Fully Convinced

In the natural our thoughts could have been, “Where is the money going to come from for this vision to be accomplished? It is going to take a lot of money. Should we wait until we have the money to take those bold steps into our destiny?” As God has been speaking and confirming all…

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Sowing in Faith

We have been reminded of the time that Isaac was living in a time of famine: However by faith, Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold;and the LORD blessed him (Genesis 26:12). We are all living in a time of this world’s economic famine. However, we live in God’s…

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On to the Nations

For the next month, May 29 – June 29, we have meetings scheduled in Indonesia, Malaysia and Ireland. Eric Peterson will be a part again this year as he has done for the past seven years. Eric is our new Director of International Outreach and has served for many years as Men’s Chaplain at Oral…

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Fulfilling Destinies

Joyce and I are praying for you to step into your destiny! For God’s richest blessing and fulfillment of your dreams and visions. And we ask that you join us as we are stepping out into our God-given vision to “Disciple 300 million more for this great end-time harvest in the nations.” We ask that…

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