A Banner Appears
September 27, 2018
It’s always so exciting to see the pictures that people send us after the Mountain Top Encounters. As the worship becomes more and more intense in the supernatural, things do take place. Sometimes we hear the angels singing, or the sound of trumpets, or other special sound effects “just happen.”
This is the picture that was just sent to us. The banner seems to be coming from the ceiling…
In Song of Solomon 2:4 we read, He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Several years ago, friends in Ohio sent us the picture of this banner that also seemed to be coming from the ceiling. The next day they went through all their banners to be sure, and they did not have one that looked anything like this with the blue border.
One of the most exciting things that happened at this year’s Mountain Top Encounter was a different kind of supernatural. Steve Swanson was leading in worship when he suddenly changed to a different type of song. I knew something had happened in the Spirit realm but couldn’t see anything different. We found out later that there was a man there that had not been in a meeting before where people were dancing and flags were being waved. He was going to leave, but just before he did, he prayed, “God if this is of you let them sing …” and he named a more traditional song. Steve immediately began to lead us into that song and the man had his answer.
And then on Wednesday morning God led us to take the session into a time of physical healing. As Steve led us into songs of healing, suddenly Nasir Iqbal, one of our faithful spiritual sons who has an awesome healing ministry walked into the room. We did not know he was coming but it was absolutely in the timing of God. We had him step into ministering healing to the sick. All who had deafness in their ears and many other sicknesses and diseases were instantly healed by the power of God. It was so perfectly orchestrated that Steve asked us later, “Did you know Nasir was coming?”
What wonderful things happen when we take off our controls and let God be God!
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