A Time to Give Thanks
April 14, 2021
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and Bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations (Psalm 100:4, 5).
This Thanksgiving season, Joyce and my hearts are filled with thanks to the Lord for the great blessings He has showered over us. Years ago, we were in the Philippines ministering in a large park. As darkness settled in, there were thousands of people gathered across the area under soft lights. I taught on God’s Provision for Healing and as I quoted God’s Word, you could feel the Spirit of God moving across the huge gathering. I asked, “How many of you have received healing in your ears?” Hundreds began to cheer and excitedly wave their hands. I asked, “How many of you had pain in your backs and it’s gone?” Another wave of excited cheers filled the atmosphere as hundreds waved their hands and cried out, “It’s me! It’s me! I’m healed!” I went on calling out the healings God was showing me, and hundreds, even thousands realized the healing power of God had come to them.
We were in Columbia and as the great Healing Explosion was ending about ten in the evening, there were thousands of people standing all over the great arena. Hundreds of people we had trained all week were ministering healing to their own people. Two doves began to circle the arena again and again. A newscaster was trying to describe it and he finished almost in a whisper, with the awesome words, “But doves don’t fly at night.”
One night I was in Las Cruces, New Mexico, ministering in a campground in an open pavilion. I was teaching on the love God has for us, and when I finished teaching, I just stood there. God hadn’t told me what to do next. I was teaching – I stopped – and again two doves flew into the meeting. They flew around the pavilion three times and then were gone. The people began to run toward the platform, but collapsed in heaps all over the area. The following days they were all trying to explain what had happened to them.
One more story, well ~ two stories in one. We were in Atlanta, Georgia at the Cobb auditorium. I was trying to read Mark 16:17-18, the Great Commission, but Joyce kept interrupting me! “A.L.,” she said, “You know miracles like that stopped happening thousands of years ago.”
“But,” I said, or tried to say, as she stopped me again and again. Wow! You could feel the anger of the audience coming against her. Then she raised both hands into the air in a gesture of surrender. “I know, you are just trying to read the Word of God! Please do it again and I won’t interrupt!”
I started over again reading, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. And as I finished reading to the end, lightning struck the building. The lights went out and the dim emergency lights came on. The sound system was gone. The people stood and cheered wildly as they realized the power God wants us to operate in today. Continuing to cheer, they took off and marched all around the auditorium in victory.
This is two stories in one, because I was in Malaysia one month later and again was trying to read the Great Commission. Joyce was not there but another brother began to argue with me just as she had. Again you could feel how upset the people were getting when he raised his hands in surrender! I read the passage again, and again halfway around the world, lightning hit the building. The lights went out. The people stood to their feet shouting in praise to God and took off marching around the building.
Who but God!!!
This is what we all want! We want to experience the power of God in our lives and in our meetings. He may come with healing, laughter, angels, doves, gold, lightning. It doesn’t matter; we just want more of Him!
In a recent miracle service here in the United States, about a hundred people raised their hands to testify that they had received healing in their bodies as I was releasing the powerful revelation of God’s Word on His Provision for our Healing. It’s God’s Word that is alive and powerful.
I am reminded of the time when I was ministering in a remote village in India. The whole village of a thousand or more people were healed and then gave their hearts to Jesus. In this village in India we were told that they had never heard the name of Jesus before. A church was planted and the people said that they would never go back to their idol worship after receiving Jesus as the only true and living way.
Joyce and I are so thankful that we have had the privilege of seeing so many lives changed, healed and delivered as we have gone to about a hundred nations preaching the gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders following. We have seen God confirm His Word thousands of times sometimes to small groups, other times to crowds of hundreds of thousands in packed stadiums and large open fields.
But most of all, we are thankful for the thousands of believers who we have had the privilege of equipping and training to live in the supernatural power and manifestation of the Spirit of God. We have watched as they have boldly started doing the works of Jesus including ministering healing to the sick.
Words cannot express our great appreciation to The Lord for the thousands that we have had the privilege of training through our books, manuals, videos, audios, media and television outreaches. These practical, life-changing resources are now available free of charge through this website in twenty-five languages. Millions are accessing, studying and teaching these resources in churches, Bible schools and in Kingdom Training Centers in many nations.
Your missionaries to the world,
A.L. ‘n Joyce
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